needs some tweaking
This is a good game. I feel that a few small adjustments should be made though.
-don't have the victory trumpet play until the level is dead. right now it's playing as soon as you reach your objective.
-add the option to replay a level even if you win it
-right now the game feels like "click in a dense spot and hope for the best" and that simply won't do. You need to increase the length of time the ground stays hot or you need to increase the speed of the mines. There's very little room for actual strategy as it is right now.
-a few more levels would have been nice. eventually with multiple clicks allowed, obstacles, special mines, etc. more variety is good
-the advertisements were unobstructive. Very good.
And the guys who are saying this is a ripoff are idiots. There are thousands of games that are very similar to eachother and I don't see anyone bashing Portal Defenders as a ripoff. By your logic it's copying the plethora of other games of that genre.
This game may have been INSPIRED by another, but ripoff is a mean word. Thinking up a new type of game would be very difficult to execute but IMPROVING upon an existing genre is fine so let's leave it at that.
*sighs* i'm glad I got that off my chest. Good game man. i'd like to see an update or a sequel with my suggestions if you have the time for it.